hese members of the Board of Directors currently serve as volunteers.
Mr. Michael Vershel, President: Mr. Vershel has 25 years experience in leading cross-functional teams and using market research to generate the insights needed to develop and refine products and services. He also has extensive experience as a caretaker within his family and will bring the caretaker perspective to the design of treatment tools.
Mrs. Cari Pirello, Treasurer: Mrs. Pirello is a research executive with an extensive career history in marketing. Both of these professional competencies will serve to advantage the organization across general intelligence needs and with fundraising strategies. Additionally, as a consequence of a debilitating illness that her daughter encountered and the resulting lengthy in-patient experience, Cari brings first-hand experience to the situations and circumstances that this organization is intended to address.
Mrs. Cristina Vershel, Secretary: Mrs. Vershel has extensive experience in sales and client services that will be useful in seeking corporate sponsors and test partners. She has personal health issues related to neurology and will bring a patient’s perspective to the design of treatment tools.
Mr. Steve Pirello, Director: Mr. Pirello’s professional background is extensively entrenched in mechanics and technologies. He is an innovative, solutions oriented thinker and is valuable to the tools and services ideation and development needs of this organization. Additionally, as a result of a debilitating illness that his daughter encountered, and the lengthy in-patient experience that resulted, Steve brings first-hand experience to the situations and circumstances that this organization is intended to address.